Tinnitus / tinnitus

Tinnitus / Tinnitus / tinnitus

Otoneurologo DF

Tinnitus, tinnitus or ringing in the ears is an imaginary sensation, described by the patient according to the tones he perceives in different ways: for example, ringing of ears similar to bells, bells, whistling, roaring, rumbling, snail-like noise of sea. The patient usually describes the type of tinnitus as; Pulsating, as if it were synchronized with the heart rate.

The causes that cause tinnitus of ears are diverse, from audiological lesions of the auditory system that our clinic checks by routine radiographic methods (computed tomography, magnetic resonance, etc.).

But a high percentage of tinnitus are the result of neuronal biochemical alterations, which cause an irritation or lesion of the auditory pathway,

That is to say, it is motivated by a cellular malfunction towards the human audio system.

The type of “ear buzz problem can be diagnosed with impressive accuracy through the world’s most advanced technology that counts our clinic.

Our clinic can measure and locate “type of ear buzz problem” by means of sensorimotor and neurosensory examinations, which allows us to achieve a correct typodiagnosis and to immediately apply pharmacological therapeutic measures according to the location of the buzzing of ears.

The different neurophysiological tests applied in patients with tinnitus (tinnitus or tinnitus) have allowed us to determine that in 24% tinnitus has a peripheral origin, in 35% it originates in dysfunctions or injuries of the brainstem, whereas in the tinnitus 41% of the patients have a supratentorial or cortical location.

According to our experience of more than 20 years helping people with this problem we find that people experience an occasional buzzing of ears (or roar, whistle, noise, rumble, sound of sea, or clink) in their ears. The sound usually lasts only a few minutes. Many times tinnitus does not improve or disappear, this tinnitus better known as tinnitus can be heard as a sound or noise, which does not come from its external environment (no one else can hear it). As already mentioned above the sound can be felt to the beat of the heartbeat, it can follow the rhythm of its breathing or it can be constant, even, it can come and go. Tinnitus or ear tinnitus is more common in people over 40 years of age. Men have problems with tinnitus more often than women.

Tinnitus-type ringing (like a heartbeat) is often caused by sounds created by the movements of the muscles near the ear, changes in the ear canal, or blood flow (vascular), problems in Face or neck creating a feeling heard as your own pulse or contractions of muscles.

Non-pulsating tinnitus is caused by hearing problems in the nerves. You can hear sounds in one or both ears. Sometimes this type of tinnitus is described as coming from inside the head.

The most common cause of tinnitus (ear in the ears) is the hearing loss that occurs with aging, but it can also be caused by living or working around loud noises (acoustic trauma). Tinnitus can occur with all types of hearing loss and can be a symptom of almost any auditory disorder.